Gift shopping can be tricky, that's for sure. But think about it, everyone loves to eat well. And who wouldn't enjoy a delicious fish dish? What could be a better gift than a tasty fish meal? Exactly, we couldn't think of anything better either. That's why we created the Csakhal gift card, which allows you to gift a dear friend, loved one, or anyone with a gastronomic experience. And who knows, maybe they'll invite you to join them for a fish meal. We told you it's a great idea!

How can you get a gift card?

The next step is to choose the amount for your card. You can select from 5000, 10,000, and 15,000 HUF denominations.

From there, all you need to do is give the card to your chosen recipient with a few kind words. Be sure to warn them: they will be eating the most memorable fish of their life with us, so they should be prepared. We wish them a great appetite!

Where can the gift card be redeemed?

The gift card can be used at any of our bistros.

Nagyerdő Bistro

Pesti Street Bistro