At our establishment, only ingredients that have been personally tasted and deemed delicious by us make it to the table. We meticulously select our ingredients, rejecting anything that doesn't meet our standards. However, those that pass our scrutiny are always of high quality, visually appealing, intact, and, naturally, very tasty.

We view the art of frying fish as a true craft. Many people are unaware that there is only a very brief window during cooking — about 1 to 1.5 minutes — when the fish is perfectly fried. Capturing these moments is crucial to providing the most authentic fish experience. The timing of this perfection varies by type and size of the fish. See? It's not as easy as it seems, right?

Chef a’la fish:
Pataky Péter

We are always experimenting with new dishes, often venturing into uncharted waters. During these times, professional assistance is invaluable. That's why we sought out Péter Pataky, someone we hold in high regard. Péter has reached remarkable professional heights and continues to push boundaries. He's constantly on the move, always brainstorming new innovations. The mutual respect and admiration were evident from our first meeting, making us feel like we're rowing in the same boat. Together, we come up with and perfect new ideas. Péter also manages the training phases and meticulously oversees regular quality checks with his expert eye.

Csakhal story

We have to admit, we simply love fish. It was true in the past, and it’s true now. The only difference is that in the past, we could only get fish if we traveled outside of Debrecen. This exact reason was the driving force behind opening a fish place in our beloved city, so neither we nor the locals would have to travel for hours to satisfy our craving for fish.

How Did It Happen?

We are passionate travelers who love discovering new places, admiring beautiful landscapes, and learning a bit more about the world with each journey. Whenever we travel, we make it a point to try the local specialties—usually fish dishes—because we absolutely love gastronomic adventures.

The idea struck us while looking back at photos from our trips and noticing that wherever we went, we ate fish. There were times when we would hop into the car and drive hundreds of kilometers just to enjoy truly fresh, delicious fish. Then it dawned on us how wonderful it would be to enjoy these beloved dishes right here in Debrecen, with the same quality and freshness.

Opened Immediately

We didn’t waste any time. As soon as the idea was born, we set about making it a reality. We built Debrecen’s first fish-specialized eatery from scratch, as there had never been a restaurant in the city dedicated solely to fish before. The start wasn’t easy, as we did everything ourselves initially. This period was filled with a lot of work, learning, practice, and sacrifices, but we remember it fondly. Our passion for fish always provided the motivation and extra energy we needed. From the very beginning, we decided that we would only serve perfectly prepared fish. Our enthusiasm was evident from day one, and we believe it showed in what we achieved.

We felt affirmed and proud seeing how well the people of Debrecen and visitors from all over the country received us. It’s a great feeling to know that so many fish enthusiasts have made us their regular spot and that we have received so much love from them in return. This makes it all truly worthwhile.

The New Move

For years, we searched for ways to bring our delicious fish to more people. We wanted a larger place where we could also offer a spacious terrace. After a long, seemingly impossible search, we finally found the perfect spot in the heart of Nagyerdő. Our new bistro features a large indoor space, outdoor terraces close to nature, a show kitchen, and a great environment. All these come together in our new Nagyerdő bistro, along with our delicious fish. This allows us to share our passion for fish dishes through a larger, more expansive bistro.

New Ways

Our menu is primarily based on various fried fish, but we also offer unique items like fish cracklings, which serve as excellent appetizers or main dishes, and our fresh fish soup. In addition to our whole fried fish, we aim to introduce delicious new dishes. We are experimenting with dishes born from the spirit of street food, bringing exciting, new flavors that are also easy to eat.

Goldfish and Sharks

No! No! We don't sell goldfish and sharks. They are our colleagues working on the other side of the counter, in the kitchen, or in the dining area, who work with great dedication and expertise. It takes real heroes to tame the fish. Currently, our 20-person team is composed of the kings of the kitchen, expert chefs, dynamic bartenders, and friendly helpers. The team is enthusiastic and ready for anything. We are like a big family, where everyone works to be as fast as possible and serve the tastiest fish dishes.

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